Founder, Mom's Away Retreats

Betheny Zolt

I've always had a passion for planning travel.  Seeing and discovering new places and people in the world while giving back to local communities, has been a top priority in my life.  I guess you could say I'm a travel agent/junkie at heart!  After becoming a mom, and now a single mom, my travel started to slow down because, well let's face it, it's not always a "vacation" when traveling with kids.  "Mom" is still mom no matter where you go.  In this new and redefined role in my life, I started to crave some "me" time.  Not because I don't love my daughter or being a mom, but because there were times when I didn't feel like I was being the best mother I could be.  I was lost in motherhood and would forget to take care of myself.  I was always thinking of her and what she needed.  Juggling everything but not at 100%.  I was losing the balance in my life and was craving time to reconnect with myself. 

Someway, somehow, I needed to take some time back for me.  To have some fun and reinvigorate my own passions in life besides being a being one of them.  I quickly realized that I'm not alone, and so many moms need this rejuvenation of "self".  I kept hearing in my mom groups how women needed a break.  Just some time to sleep in, have some fun, not hear the word "mom" seventeen times in a row or to take a girls trip somewhere, ANYWHERE!  Traveling with single girlfriends is so fun, but how much can non-moms listen to poop talk, school talk, or how tired we are!  I truly saw a need for this type of retreat but not much exists. I didn't want these retreats to be about BEING a mom...that's a given and we have enough mom's groups out there, which is so great and helpful!  I want these retreats to be about taking a small amount of time to connect back to ourselves when no children are present, and to connect to other women who just simply GET IT and can RELATE!!!

What better way to this, than to get a group of moms together to travel with, who all need a break!  It truly takes a village, and having a mom tribe is one of the best resources a mom can have. 

So enlist your significant other, your parents, your nanny, sister or brother to watch your kids, and tell them "Mom's away for a few days, but I'll be back a better me!"

I hope you'll join our Mom's Away Retreats tribe!  

Much love, 
